Thursday, July 5, 2012

Travel Insurance by FEDERAL PHOENIX

Make our Journey "WORRY-FREE"

TRAVEL WITH CARE, THE FEDERAL WAY… Visiting the different destinations can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can become very unpleasant and challenging when sickness or injury occurs and medical evacuation is needed. Medical care is excellent in most parts of the globe, but it can be very expensive. Travel Plus is designed to keep your journey, and make your trip memorable for all of the right reasons.
COVERAGES Personal Accident – Pays a specific amount for the death and / or disablement of the Insured, as a result of a covered accident, while traveling.
Emergency Medical Expense – In the event of illness or injury of the Insured, while traveling, occurring outside the usual country of residence, the company will shoulder the costs of hospitalization, surgery, medical fees & pharmaceutical products.
Repatriation in case of Illness / Accident – In the event of an accident or sudden illness, the company will take charge of transferring or repatriating the Insured to a properly equipped health centre or his/her usual country of residence.
Delivery of Medicines – The Company will cover the expenses of sending medicines, in case of emergency.
Repatriation of Mortal Remains – In the event of death of the Insured, the company will make the arrangements necessary for his/her transport or repatriation and will shoulder the cost of the transfer expenses to the place of interment, cremation or funeral ceremony at his/her usual country of residence.
Emergency Return Home – When an Insured’s trip is interrupted by death of an immediate family member, the company will shoulder the cost of travel to the usual country of residence.
Repatriation of the Immediate Family Member – Should the Insured be hospitalized due to sudden illness or accident for more than (5) days or deceased, the company will shoulder the cost in respect of one immediate family member accompanying the Insured at the moment of the event.
Trip Cancellation – Reimburses the Insured for all deposits, advance payments and other charges for transport and accommodation, in the event the Insured is forced to cancel his journey.
Delayed Departure – Pays for the reasonable meal and accommodation necessarily incurred by the Insured should the schedule departure be delayed.
Escort of Dependent Child – The Company will provide a suitable person to look after the child during the trip to the hospital where the Insured is hospitalized, or the usual residence in the country of origin.
Travel of One Immediate Family – In the event that the Insured should be admitted to hospital for more than (10) days as result of an accident or illness covered in the policy, the company will take charge of the transfer of an immediate family member from the usual country of residence of the Insured.
Compensation for In-flight Loss of Checked-in Baggage – The Company will supplement the compensation for which the carrier is liable for loss, robbery or destruction of Insured’s baggage checked-in.
Location & Forwarding of Baggage & Personal Effect – The Company will furnish the Insured with advice on reporting the robbery or loss of his/her baggage and personal possessions, and will collaborate arrangements for locating them.
Relay of Urgent Messages – The Company will take charge of relaying the urgent messages of the Insured, relating to any of the events covered in the policy.
Medical Information Service – The medical information will provide by company’s doctor upon request from the Insured.
Medical Referral – Through the assistance company call centre, the Insured will be given access and referred to any agreed medical centre or medical practitioner of the company’s international network.
Emergency Dental Care – If necessary, the company will provide the insured party with the dental assistance required abroad.
Connection Services – The Insured will be entitled to contact the assistance company in order to obtain miscellaneous services in the country where he is located and administrative information and referral.
Personal Liability – If by negligence, you cause damage to property belonging to a third party, we will indemnify you for the amounts you may become legally liable.
  1. Family Package consists of (2) adults up to 75 years old and (2) children 4 weeks old to 17 years old.
  2. Coverage for 60-65 years old is subject to 50% premium loading and for 66-75 years old, 100% premium loading shall apply.
  3. Maximum of 90 consecutive days abroad per trip.
  4. Annual Cover provides unlimited trips but not to exceed 90 consecutive days per trip.
  5. Europe Schengen Visa requires Elite Cover.
  1. Pre-existing conditions are not covered.
  2. Suicides & self-inflicted injuries.
  3. Illness or pathological states caused by voluntary consumption of alcohol, drugs, toxic substances, narcotics or medicines acquired without medical prescription as well as any kind of mental illness or mental imbalance.
  4. Extraordinary natural phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions etc.
  5. Events arising from terrorism, mutiny or crowd disturbances.
  6. Injuries resulting from competitions, sports & training tests.
  7. Wars with or without prior declaration, & any conflicts or international interventions using force or duress. (eg. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc.)
Note: Complete list of exclusions are stipulated in the policy.
Personal Accident Child 6 to 15 years old or person above 70 years old$20,000 50% of Main Insured Cover $50,000 50% of Main Insured Cover
Emergency Medical Expense$20,000 $50,000
Repatriation in case of Illness / Accident Actual Expense Actual Expense
Delivery of Medicines Actual Expense Actual Expense
Repatriation of Mortal Remains Actual ExpenseActual Expense
Emergency Return Home Actual ExpenseActual Expense
Trip Cancellation $1,500 (Deductible $30) $2,000 (Deductible $30)
Delayed Departure $100 $200
Repatriation of a Family Member traveling w/ the Insured Actual ExpenseActual Expense
Escort of Dependent Child Actual ExpenseActual Expense
Travel of One Immediate FamilyTravel cost + up to $100/day, max of $1,000Travel cost + up to $100/day, max of $1,000
Compensation of In-flight loss of Checked-in Baggage$150/item max of $750 (Deductible $30)$150/item max of $1,000 (Deductible $30)
Location and Forward of Baggage & Personal EffectsActual ExpenseActual Expense
Connection ServicesActual ExpenseActual Expense
Relay of Urgent MessagesActual ExpenseActual Expense
Long Distance Medical Information ServiceActual ExpenseActual Expense
Medical ReferralActual ExpenseActual Expense
Emergency Dental Care$200 in excess of $60$200 in excess of $200
Personal Liability$25,000$30,000

Schedule of PremiumsCLASSICELITE
No. of DaysIndividualFamilyIndividualFamily
Up to 4 days$8.00$19.00$20.00$50.00
Up to 8 days$17.00$41.00$33.00$81.00
Up to 15 days$22.00$54.00$49.00$123.00
Up to 21 days$29.00$73.00$61.00$159.00
Up to 30 days$39.00$98.00$86.00$214.00
Up to 44 days$51.00$128.00$102.00$256.00
Up to 65 days$69.00$174.00$138.00$349.00
Up to 90 days$94.00$234.00$171.00$433.00
Up to 180 days (max of 90 days)$172.00$431.00$315.00$798.00
Up to 180 days(max of 180 days)$188.00$470.00$351.00$887.00
Annual Cover$282.00$706.00$536.00$1,356.00

*Note:  Travel PA applicants may opt to pay in Philippine Peso (exchange rate will be at the time of policy issuance).




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